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Édouard Vachon

When I saw on a normal day at school that I could have the opportunity to teach French and English in Mexico, my day became suddenly exciting. A few days later, I registered without knowing what would happen once I would be in Mexico. Of course, I had no idea of how my teaching experience would be amazing! Before my departure, I feared that I wouldn’t be able to deliver the merchandise properly (I’ve never taught in the past), but I told myself that it is my chance to achieve a nice challenge in my life.

Once in Mexico, I’ve never felt alone, because there was always somebody to support me in the project, whether it’s incredible Julisa, the head teacher of Weeklub, Mister Vincent, or other foreign teachers, who by the way, come all over the world. You meet so many nice people, so prepare to create new contacts! Also, the locals are so friendly, so don’t be shy to practice your Spanish!

It would be impossible to describe my six weeks stay in Mexico, because there’s been so many small details that made my experience awesome. What I can say without a doubt, is that my stay was enriching and rewarding for me, for the simple reason that I met amazing people that made me feel home. My teaching experience was also more than fun, and I really enjoyed every second of it. The most beautiful side in teaching, is that you grow inwardly with the same students for many weeks, and as a result, a crazy chemistry between everybody creates itself! My relationship with my students was wonderful, and I had a lot of sorrow at my last day with them.

And what about Julisa Garfias, this incredible woman who manages Weeklub incredibly! She is really involved and dedicated to her students. She works hard in order that her students achieve their goal, which is to attain a good level in English.

I honestly had so much fun teaching at Weeklub, and I guarantee you that, if your main purpose is to transmit your knowledge to young students, you will definitely have the best time of your life.

Montréal, Canada

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